Agrivet.com was conceptualized during the 2020 pandemic by local veterinarians and plant enthusiasts who find it hard to continue their practice in their respective fields. They’ve also seen the need for a local platform to retail legitimate veterinary and agricultural products so that consumers can get their money’s worth. 


Since then, continued development were done and certain features were added namely, Agrivet Store, Pet finder (adoption. lost and found), VetConnect ( reaching your local  veterinarians) and Services (coming soon.) 



We aim to offer our customers the best online shopping experience in providing convenience, connectivity, to their local veterinarians, help in adopting and finding lost pets, and offer them a wide range of agricultural and veterinary products and services. 



To be a global leader on the e-commerce platform to serve agricultural and veterinary products and services, wherein customers, plant enthusiasts, farmers and pet owners can benefit from our wide selection of products and connect companies and other service providers to customers and clients.